Sunday, September 7, 2008

Barack Can Attack Sarah on the Issues and Not be Called Sexist

by Sandy Sand

If Barack Obama can go after Sarah Palin on the issues, then Joe Biden shouldn’t have any problem facing her down in the one and only, one-on-one vice presidential debate.

Speaking to a crowd of about 800 people yesterday at Wabash Valley Fairgrounds in Terre Haute, Ind., Obama ripped John McCain and Palin for calling themselves ‘agents of change.’

When McCain says ‘change,’ the only change I see is the few coins that will be rattling around at the bottom of my purse if he’s elected. But I digress.

Obama went after the ‘earmark queen,’ who has boldly gone where no other woman has gone before by asking Congress for and receiving more pork barrel money per capita than that of any other state.

In her first year as governor -- with a great deal of help from the infamous Pork King, Sen. Ted “Bridge to Nowhere” Stevens -- the Washington, D.C.-based watchdog group Citizens Against Government Waste, said she asked for more than $550 million, which is more than $800 per resident.

On average, other states got $34 per person for local projects.

She cut her fat requests somewhat this year after Bush said cool it.

"Don't be fooled," Obama said. "I know the governor of Alaska has been saying she's changed, and that's great.

"She's a skillful politician. But, you know, when you've been taking all these earmarks when it's convenient, and then suddenly you're the champion anti-earmark person, that's not change.

“Come on! I mean, words mean something, you can't just make stuff up."
Obama also reminded the crowd that earmarks soared under the domination of McCain’s Republican party, and did so with the help of McCain, who admits he voted with Bush 90 percent of the time.

So much for fiscal responsibility.

What I like is that when Obama puts down the opposition he does it with style, class and humor. He doesn’t rip away at them using a vicious Republican-like chainsaw.

Others in the party can use every tool in the box, hammers, nails, drills, pick axes to expose all the lies, hypocrisy and Republican McCain/Palin double dealing.

Hopefully, the rest of the country will see the truths Obama tells through humor.
If he keeps hammering away at them, eventually most will see that a win for a McCain/Palin ticket would be even worse for the country than the last eight years of Bush/Cheney.

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