Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Criticize the Mother, Not the Daughter

by Sandy Sand

While Bristol Palin must take responsibility for her actions just as we all must, don’t get me wrong from a piece I wrote yesterday http://www.opednews.com/maxwrite/diarypage.php?did=8962, which some interpreted as a condemnation of Sarah Palin’s 17-year-old pregnant, out-of-wedlock daughter.

The converse is true. I have utter contempt for her mother and her skewed family values that she wants to shove down our throats.

Sarah Palin is a militant right-to-lifer; her way is the only way.

Bristol has absolutely no choice about having a baby or marriage, for that matter.
This isn’t even a matter of a pregnant unwed young lady choosing to have her baby and having the full loving support of her family, which is a beautiful thing.

This is a case of you vill have that baby. Ach tung!

Since Sarah has said that the pregnant couple will wed, it’s probably also a case of you will marry!

What a lousy reason to get married. A 17-year-old is an emotional baby with zero maturity or worldly experience, let alone dating experience to choose a mate.

And being Catholic, technically it’s a pairing for life.

Parenthood is a lifetime commitment, but marriage? Not necessarily.

In the good ol’ days when life expectancy wasn’t as long as it is now and women couldn’t earn their own livings, it might have been a necessity to marry after getting pregnant.

Even 50 years ago, Bristol would only have had to be stuck in forced marriage for 20 or 30 years. Today, it could be for as long as 70 years.

Let’s face it, being shotgunned into a wedding where the couple could easily hate each other after a year, and have absolutely nothing in common within five years is no way to start off married life.

This is what Sarah wants for her daughter?

Barack Obama has gentlemanly and magnanimously said children are off limits during this campaign, as did the Kennedys and Clintons.

All three families had young children and that is a reasonable request.

But not in this case. Bristol is one year away from legally being an adult, and unfortunately for her she’s fair game just as the untamed Bush twins were and are, and the adult Reagan offspring were.

But this isn’t about Bristol. It’s about her mother, her mother’s parenting skills, judgment and ridiculous, narrow-minded and dangerous stance on abstinence only education.

’Abstinence only’ is a good idea and great talking point, but is totally contrary to human nature. It leaves those indoctrinated in abstinence, who decide to abstain from abstaining left in an uneducated wilderness.

Not only is their health endangered by contracting lifelong SDTs, but it puts them in jeopardy of unwanted/unplanned pregnancies.

Palin is one-hundred percent responsible for putting her nearly adult daughter in the limelight and is to be condemned for it, not us who will talk about it, and Palin’s lack of judgment by putting her political career ahead of her family.

That’s Republican family values for you.

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